
Dr. Jinzhu Gao(海外名师)


Professorof Computer Science

Universityof the Pacific

Short Bio:

Dr.  Jinzhu Gao received a Ph.D. degree in  Computer Science from The Ohio State University in 2004. From June 2004 to  August 2008, she worked at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory as a research  associate and then the University of Minnesota, Morris, as an Assistant  Professor of Computer Science. She joined the University of the Pacific  (Pacific) in 2008 and is currently a Professor of Computer Science there. Her  main research focus is on intelligent data analytics and innovative computer  science education. Over the past twenty years, Dr. Gao has been working  closely with educators, researchers, application scientists and Silicon  Valley technology companies to develop online data visual analytics and deep  learning platforms to support collaborative science and education, mobile  health, IoT data analytics, business operational visibility, and visual predicative  analysis for industries. Her work has been published in top journals such as  IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, IEEE Transactions  on Computers, and IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications.

Jinzhu Gao博士2004年获得美国俄亥俄州立大学计算机科学博士学位,先后任职于橡树岭国家实验室和明尼苏达大学莫里斯分校计算机科学系,目前是太平洋大学计算机科学系终身教授。她的主要研究领域是智能数据分析和创新计算机科学教育。在过去的二十年里,高博士保持与各行业研究人员、应用科学家和科技公司密切合作,开发在线数据可视化分析和深度学习平台,以支持人工智能在教育、医学、物联网等领域的应用。研究成果曾发表在IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics、IEEE Transactions on Computers 和 IEEEComputer Graphics and Applications 等顶级期刊上。